Helen Coe and the Camfferman Colony

Like something lifted out of a fairy story, the Camfferman’s Artist’s Colony perched on a part of the property of their aunt, Helen Coe. Their eight studio cabins nestled in a veritable park of trees, lawn and flowers on the bank above the beach at the end of what is...

Helen Coe

In 1858 a baby girl was born in a town in Minnesota who was destined to play an out-standing role in the development of a tiny, new town thousands of miles away on an island in Duget Sound. That baby was Helen B. Coe.She grew up to be a lady of culture and distinction...

The Howard Family

It is impossible to tell the story of the Hunziker family without also recounting the activities of the Howard family. Intermarriage between the Howard and Hunziker young people caused the fortunes of the two families to be linked in many areas. The Howard family...

Bert and Edie Hunziker

Another son of John Frederick and Madeline Hunziker besides Walter Sr., is well remembered in Langley.He is Herbert, or Bert as he was popularly known. He was a grown man when his parents and siblings left the Falkland Islands and he remained for a time in South...

Walter J. Hunziker, Sr.

In his own words…”I was born at Port Stanly in the Falkland Islands September 8, 1886. When I was two months old my father, mother and eight children came to the United States on a sailing ship which took three months from the Falkland Islands to New York...