Maxwelton Grocery Stores

Maxwelton Grocery Stores

We sometimes receive requests by Facebook readers to post about certain South Whidbey places. This request was for the stores at Maxwelton. The earliest photo we have is of the Maxwelton Grocery store and post office that was located near the end of the wooden dock...
On this Veterans Day…

On this Veterans Day…

The South Whidbey Historical Museum has a roster of South Whidbey veterans who served during World War I who became members of the South Whidbey Barracks, No. 1210 organized in 1958 and located in Langley, WA. Many area founding family names are on the list. (See...
Come and visit us at the Fair!

Come and visit us at the Fair!

The South Whidbey Historical Society is staffing the parking lot opposite the Fairgrounds for the Whidbey Island Area Fair running this Thursday, July 20 through Sunday, July 23. When you park in the SWHS lot, you help to support the efforts of your local Historical...