As Spring rains continue, we thought you might get a chuckle from these 1919 real estate advertisements of James C. Langley, aka ‘Fidelity Jim’, nephew of Judge James Weston Langley, the man for whom the town of Langley is named.
One of the longer ads reads as follows:
WHIDBY ISLAND IS almost an unknown land where 7000 souls live in happiness and plenty and where the soil is famous for its remarkable production. Climatic conditions are entirely different from mainland, yet this wonderful country which is 65 miles long lies In the heart of Puget Sound and is easily reached from Tacoma.
Today FINE little farms of ten and twenty acres ready for the plow await you at prices less than one-half what you would expect and on these one can make three thousand dollars per annum, live and dress well, and educate their children in schools of the highest class.
Excellent roads and green fields are there and first class transportation facilities.
This country practically feeds and supports a great part of Everett and is now directly connected with Seattle so that you can leave Tacoma at 11 am and arrive at Langley at 3:30 pm and see your own little home the same day.
We have thirty little home farms ready for you now and some big ones.
NO floods or droughts on Whidby…
Good, whole-souled home-loving people, clean little towns with electric lights and water systems, first class farmers’ co-operative stores and three good State Banks handling over two million dollars per annum of good old Whidby money.
COME and see Jim and get a free map and Information leading to your absolute happiness and Independence JAMES LANGLEY