• Donate

    Help us continue our mission to preserve and share the history of South Whidbey Island. Your donation keeps our historical museum operating, updates exhibits, and supports educational outreach within our community.

  • Become a Member

    Support the South Whidbey Historical Society by becoming a member, gifting a membership to a fellow history enthusiast, or renewing your existing membership.

  • Volunteer

    We rely on our volunteers! Are you interested in becoming a museum docent, a volunteer for special projects, or a South Whidbey Historical Society Board Member?

  • Contribute to the New Coast Salish Snohomish Gallery

    Help us convert the front room of the museum into a permanent gallery featuring the Coast Salish Snohomish People on South Whidbey, offering visitors, educators, and students a new learning experience.

  • Support A Tangled Web of History Project

    Contribute to the research project driving our New Coast Salish Snohomish Gallery. A Tangled Web of History Project is unveiling untold history about South Whidbey Island. Find out more here.