A Tangled Web of History Project

A collection of artifacts and records once kept in the home of an early South Whidbey family presents a remarkable outline of an unknown chapter of South Whidbey and Pacific Northwest History.

The Miller-Brown Collection

The Miller-Brown Collection unearths stories and experiences behind the broader historical context. The collection outlines a narrative that connects South Whidbey to its Indigenous history, speaking to the early history of the Snohomish People and their bi-cultural descendants. Stories of the Snohomish will be authentic, historically accurate, and acknowledge oral history traditions of the first “caretakers of the land.”


Working with tribal organizations, descendants, and local/state/regional partners, the project gathers research based on an academic study of records, identification of artifacts and field surveys. Tangible outcomes of the project include: exhibits, videos, profiles of notable figures, education curriculum, publications, events and lectures.

Looking Ahead

Research is expanding to tribal, private, and public archival centers to augment findings. From Bellingham to Portland and beyond, collections have been identified to efficiently focus research. Representatives from academia, history organizations, government agencies, and tribal organizations are helping to guide the research. This has resulted in the development of new stories, identification and study of new artifacts and fine-tuning genealogical records. The project has established over 50 separate project files by topic.

Project Historian Kyle Walker

Kyle has served youth, communities, and customers throughout the Pacific Northwest in the non-profit, public, and private sectors. Equipped with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in History, Historic Preservation, and Archival Management, she served as the first director of the Centralia Main Street Association and is the former Vice President of the Lower Columbia Preservation Society. Kyle joined the Washington State Trust for Historic Preservation Board in January 2024. A resident of Freeland, Washington Kyle is an advising historian and project manager for the South Whidbey Historical Society.