Fundraising and promotion

The land for the Community Center had been purchased, but a flurry of activity was necessary to spread the word and to continue enlisting the support of the community.

Oak Photograph Display

Oak Photograph Display


 In March 1982, a dance was held at the American Legion with Anna Unum as the organizer for the fund raising event.  Music was provided by the Desoto’s.

In April 1982, an informational dinner meeting, organized by Tim Scriven, was held at Useless Bay Golf and Country Club. Special thanks to John Watson the master of ceremonies.  The speakers included, attorney Ross Jacobson, Bellevue Mayor and also Boys and Girls Club Executive Director, Cary Bozeman, Director of Recreation for Bellevue, Lee Springgate, Senator Jack Metcalf and Dr. Steve Shapiro of Langley.

 This was followed in May with a presentation by Tim Scriven to the Island County Board of Adjustment for a Conditional Use Permit, written by Jean Wallin. 

An oak photograph display was built by Dick Scriven.  The large six sided display was used in local banks and stores by Tim Scriven for public relations purposes.  The sculpture of a man in the lower left of the picture is Hec for Rec, shown stretching a dollar.  Hec for Rec was created by chain saw sculptor Pat McVay to demonstrate the concept of leveraging money that Tim promoted while speaking about the park complex.

While building the South Whidbey Community Center complex, great value was efficiently achieved using a relatively small amount of money.  The professional volunteers worked in concert with those who raised the funding.  Their donation of time building the complex allowed the money to be leveraged, i.e., to go much farther toward accomplishing needed projects.  In this manner they followed in the footsteps of those before them with the spirit of love that represents the traditional principles of American Civics.  Their primary motivation was their regard for the welfare of each child.

The concept of leverage. Click here to read a letter about leverage written by Tim Scriven.

In August 1982, an Orange Frosties booth was operated at the Island County fair. The organizers were Tim and Georgia Scriven, and many individuals worked at the booth as volunteers during the fair. Gary Piper donated his talents to painting the Orange Frosties sign displayed above the booth. The frame work for the booth’s awning was built by Denny Smith and the awning was made by June Bell. The fair booth produced excellent promotional and fund raising benefits for the park effort.

November 1982 saw the publication of an informal booklet entitled Your Community Center, by Sue Ellen Hanson and Tim Scriven. The graphics were provided by Tony Shults of the Quorum.  The layout and printing of the booklet were also donated by the Quorum.


Throughout 1983, site planning and permits from Island County were pursued. Architect John Thomas of the Quorum contributed a great deal to this, along with engineer Hanford Thayer and consultant Tom Roehl.

In March 1983, at the request of Tim Scriven, Help, Inc. donated $8,500.00 and 50% of the proceeds of a real estate contract to South Whidbey Recreation.  Help Inc. board members were Bonny Arndt, Carol McNeil, Alex Pong, Ernie Noble and Jeff Handley.

The summer of 1983 was a busy time. A 4 ft. X 8 ft. sign was erected at Maxwelton Road pointing the way to the South WhidbeyCommunity Center site. The sign was built by Danny Bayha, Tim DeMartini and Dick Scriven.  Tim Scriven and Bill Baller placed the sign in its location.  Donations for the sign were made by Gary Reys, Betty Harris and the South Whidbey Kiwanis Club.  Gary Piper painted the sign which displayed the parks logo and its name, then known as the South Whidbey Community Center.


Judy McVay standing beside the sign that she and others made.

Another sign, 16 ft. X 8 ft., reading South Whidbey Community Center, valued at approximately $3,000 was designed and carved by chain saw artists Judy McVay and Steve Backus.  The sign was burned by Boaz Backus then brushed as part of the finishing process.  Arlene Roe also helped with the finishing work.  The planks for the sign and the log poles upon which it was mounted were donated by Waterman Mill.  The poles were delivered to the site by Scott Mickelson and Todd Brager.  Tim Scriven had the idea for the sign and coordinated the process of it being made by those involved.

Dick Scriven and Bill Baller assembled the sign. Using an 18 inch auger donated by Greg Smith of Greg’s Rent-A-Tool, Jim Scriven drilled holes into the ground for the sign’s poles.  A boom truck was donated by Island Sand and Gravel for placing the sign into position with Jim Scriven, Keith Iverson, Dick Scriven, John Little, Bill Baller and Tim Scriven involved.  All aspects of the endeavor were coordinated by Tim Scriven.

The fall of 1983 saw a number of fund raising events:

In August 1983, a second Orange Frosties booth was provided at the Island County Fair thanks to the giving spirit of many great volunteers who worked there. Tim and Georgia Scriven were the project coordinators.

In the fall of 1983, a Volks March was organized by June Bell and Ruth Rhodes. A large group of people of all ages participated in this march.  The occasion was used to promote the community park and funds were raised for the park by those involved.

Also in fall 1983, Ron Lind coordinated the Langley Fun Run, sponsored by the Langley Chamber of Commerce and the South Whidbey Brokers Association. This was a huge success with many people involved.  Each of the organizations publicized the community park with their event and donated a sizable amount of money to the park cause.

Then in November 1983, the South Whidbey Park and Recreation District was formed, with commissioners Dave Anderson, Steve Shapiro, Judy Yeakel, Jim Porter and Al Good.  The accumulated efforts and achievements of those who gave to the acquisition of the park property and its development culminated in the establishment of the Parks and Recreation District by the voters.  Voter approval for the District followed intense publicity emphasizing the work of the many volunteers, including the purchase/donation process used to acquire the forty-three acre site in 1981, several years of work achieved by volunteers whose accomplishments were spoken about at various civic organization meetings and many stories in the South Whidbey Record.  The District did not receive tax revenue when it was first established and work continued entirely through donations until a levy was approved in November of 1987.


The approval by the voters of the Parks and Recreation District was followed by the dissolution, in January 1984, of the nonprofit organization, South Whidbey Recreation, and its assets were given to the newly formed South Whidbey Park and Recreation District. These assets included clear title to the forty-three acre South Whidbey Community Center site, half interest in a real estate contract that South Whidbey Recreation acquired from Help, Inc., and cash which had been received through donations and various fund-raising projects.  Attorney, Ross Jacobson, donated his services to this endeavor.

Tim Scriven contacted retired teacher, Edith Buck, and asked her to utilize his notes to write the history of the park at that time.  Edith had taught Second Grade at the South Whidbey Elementary School and then went on to write children’s books during her retirement.  The emphasis that Edith placed in the story was that the American Spirit was well represented by those who were responsible for building the park through donations of their professional time and money.  Many civic organizations contributed greatly to the process.  Along with Tim Scriven, Dorothy Gray also collaborated with Edith to write the story.  Linda Colley and Bettie Hall donated their typing skills and Linda donated her office equipment to make copies of Edith’s book, titled The Birth of a Vision.  Copies may be found at the web site, along with many other historical pictures and documents depicting the history of the South Whidbey Community Park

The information provided upon the South Whidbey Historical Society’s web site is due the efforts of Craig Williams who received the collection of historical park data from Tim Scriven.  

In August 1984, the operation of another Orange Frosties booth was provided at the Island County Fair through the efforts of Anna Unum and the volunteers that worked with her.   This was the third time that volunteers worked at the fair booth.  Many thanks to all who made it a success!


Tim approached the CEO of Pioneer Bank, Ralph Shapler, in February to discuss the community park project, and Mr. Shapler provided a check for $1,000.  Mr. Shapler said that he wanted Pioneer Bank to be part of something that was truly great in how it represented the community at large.  Donations of money were given as a way of supporting the work that many professionals were doing to build a park complex that was for everyone to enjoy.  Tim’s approach was that once donors knew what had happened, what was going to happen and what the overall benefits of the park complex were they would want to participate.  To further prove this Ralph Shapler and others were invited to write letters of endorsement for what was being achieved.  President Ronald Reagan, Governors Booth Gardner and John Spellman, South Whidbey School District Superintendent, Art Jarvis, and Island County Sheriff, Richard Medina wrote letters of support and encouragement for the park complex.

Tim’s method of raising money and support always involved speaking to those at the top.  For many years all fund raising, promoting and the implementation of needed projects were left up to Tim and those that he involved.

In March 1985 a raffle fund raising event was held with the winner receiving a logging truck load of firewood. The logs were donated by Margaret Waterman, and the logging truck was donated by Bradley Construction. Raffle ticket sales coordinator was Jeannie Babik of Tara Properties.

Raffle fund raiser - logging truck load of firewood.

Raffle fund raiser – logging truck load of firewood.

April 1985 saw the first publication of CommUNITY News.  Written by Tim Scriven, this was a newsletter featuring accomplishments, needs, projects and general information regarding the park.   Linda Colley, owner of South End Office Supply, donated her time and ideas to the publication of the newsletter.

From the very beginning the South Whidbey Record was very instrumental in informing the community regarding the progress of the park.  Special recognition is given to the Editor, Jim Larsen.  He always pretended to be reluctant as Tim Scriven approached him but in his heart, hidden from view, was great enthusiasm!

In August of 1985 the first application to the Seattle Mariners was made for the $40,000 Boeing-Mariners Jr. Athletic Field Grant.  Project coordinators were, Tim Scriven and Craig Dill.  Approximately 500 South Whidbey residents attended the Mariner’s game as Betty and Wally Lehman and Margaret Waterman were honored at the opening ceremonies of the game.  Michael Helvey threw out the first pitch and Heather Bradley did a beautiful job singing the National Anthem.  The South Whidbey Athletic Club that Craig was President of played a very large role in attaining the excellent turn out to the Mariners game.  South Whidbey did not receive the grant but many families and community members enjoyed attending the Mariners game and a good sense of community support was realized.

Randy Stearnes (representing the Seattle Mariners), Swede Anderson, Hanford Thayer, Jim Larsen, Ken Bloom, Sandy Gage and Jim Porter. Being honored were Margaret Waterman & Betty and Wally Lehman.  Michael Helvey threw out the first pitch.

Randy Stearnes (representing the Seattle Mariners), Swede Anderson, Hanford Thayer, Jim Larsen, Ken Bloom, Sandy Gage and Jim Porter. Being honored were Margaret Waterman & Betty and Wally Lehman. Michael Helvey threw out the first pitch.

Randy Stearnes (representing the Seattle Mariners), Swede Anderson, Hanford Thayer, Jim Larsen, Ken Bloom, Sandy Gage and Jim Porter. Being honored were Margaret Waterman & Betty and Wally Lehman. Michael Helvey threw out the first pitch.


In January 1986, the South Whidbey Progressive Club was formed as a non profit organization that served as a booster club for improvements to the South Whidbey Community Center. Tim Scriven was the first to recognize the need for the type of vehicle which the South Whidbey Progressive Club provided and he organized its formation. A great deal of professional time was donated through the South Whidbey Progressive Club.  Numerous projects were accomplished including construction of the log picnic shelter building, restroom building, playground site preparation, well installation with its pump house and construction of the athletic fields.  All coordinated by Tim through the South Whidbey Progressive Club while working in cooperation with various civic organizations.

Garage sale/auction.

Garage sale/auction.

In June 1986, a garage sale auction was organized by Patty McGlenn and Georgia Scriven to benefit the South Whidbey CommunityCenter. Local attorney, Doug Kelly, served as auctioneer.

Rob and Dorothy Mast sold their car for $500 and gave the proceeds to the June 1986 auction effort targeted at supporting the ongoing volunteer projects at the community park.

Rob and Dorothy Mast- Donation of proceeds from the sale of their car.

Rob and Dorothy Mast- Donation of proceeds from the sale of their car.

In the summer of 1986, the South Whidbey Kiwanis club donated $660 toward the purchase of shakes for the log picnic shelter and the well house at the request of Tim Scriven on behalf of the South Whidbey Progressive club.


At all of the major work parties, food was donated by various restaurants and grocery stores in the South Whidbey community. Other businesses donated needed items and cash for the purchase of construction supplies. In most cases Tim and Georgia Scriven participated in requesting the donations, rounding up the food and preparing it barbecue style. 

On several occasions Dave Anderson provided salmon for all who attended.  Often times Al Good, a retired Principal of the South Whidbey High School, worked at the barbecues as well.  Most of the money raised for the Community Center projects was coordinated through the efforts of Tim Scriven on behalf of the South Whidbey Progressive Club.

 In 1985, the Pool and Recreation Committee (P.A.R.C.) organized to plan the swimming pool and recreation building.  The following year the P.A.R.C. group participated in the Maxwelton 4th of July Parade and generated interest and promoted the construction of a swimming pool and multipurpose recreation building.

1987 4th of July parade, pool and recreation center (P.A.R.C.) Members.

1987 4th. of July parade, pool and recreation center (P.A.R.C.) Members.

P.A.R.C. marchers with Georgia Scriven and Susan Knickerbocker holding the P.A.R.C. banner.

P.A.R.C. marchers with Georgia Scriven and Susan Knickerbocker holding the P.A.R.C. banner.


1987—a very busy year!

The fund-raising for the community center complex involved a variety of organizations, businesses and individual donors, many of whom gave repeatedly over the years.  As much as the needed money, the promotional benefits of the fund raising events was of great importance to the spirit that motivated  professional people to carry forward toward completion of the park site.

Fund-raising in 1987 included a gift from the Seattle Mariners of $1,200 at the request of Tim Scriven on behalf of the South Whidbey Progressive Club.  Then in May, the second annual South Whidbey Progressive Club garage sale was held.  The sale was organized by Patti McGlenn and Georgia Scriven.  Both individuals and businesses donated items for the event which proved to be a success.

In June, the South Whidbey Progressive Club received donations of a fireplace insert from Rich’s Wood Stoves and Spas, a $60 dinner from Fountain Court Off Main, a rhododendron from  Gilbertson’s,  a shirt and hat from Tim and Georgia Scriven and a $25 gift certificate from Hanson’ Building Supply.  A raffle was held and many people purchased tickets in support of the community park.

In the summer of 1987 Vicki Scott and Sandy Gage made a second application to the Seattle Mariners for their annual grant of $40,000 for construction of a youth baseball field.  The request was made on behalf of the South Whidbey Athletic Association in cooperation with the South Whidbey Progressive Club.  South Whidbey was not chosen, but the interest and support generated was in itself of value toward maintaining enthusiasm for the ongoing development of the park complex.

Randy Stearnes came to the South Whidbey Community Center site to discuss South Whidbey’s third application for the $40,000 Jr. Mariners athletic field grant. Craig Dill and members of the South Whidbey Little League did most of the work which was involved in applying for the grant.  Again, their effort was important because of the community spirit and interest that it helped generate although South Whidbey did not receive the grant.

Soroptomist wine tasting party.



Virginia Bloom made a request to the South Whidbey Soroptomist Club in June of 1987 to do a wine tasting party as a fund raising event on behalf of the community park.  It was held at Useless Bay Golf and Country Club and was very successful with a large turnout.

At the Choochokum festival in Langley during the summer of 1987 a joint venture of the Pool and Recreation Committee and the South Whidbey Progressive Club sponsored an Orange Frosties booth.  The proceeds were to be used for park improvements.  Georgia Scriven served as project coordinator.

Also in 1987 Delores Cobb, who was mayor of Langley at the time, was asked by Tim Scriven to help the South Whidbey Progressive Club raise money for building projects needed at the community park.  Mayor Cobb conceived the idea for a golf tournament at Useless Bay Golf and Country Club.  She then organized the event with Al Good.  The tournament was an excellent fund raiser and provided additional publicity for park projects as well.  About 40 donated items were received from local businesses for tournament prizes through the fantastic achievement of Al Good.


Delores Cobb and granddaughter.


1987 Useless Bay golf tournament.

1987 Useless Bay golf tournament.


Golf tournament picnic.

Golf tournament picnic.


Mike Boyd trio playing at the golf tournament.

Mike Boyd trio playing at the golf tournament.



40 companies and businesses donated prizes to the golf tournament thanks to Al Good.

November 1987. The South Whidbey Park and Recreation District receives voter approval of a levy providing $100,000 per year for 5 years. Special thanks to Terry Snyder, Nancy Tomaso and Dave Anderson for their work promoting the levy.  As was the case in 1983, with the passage of the formation of the South Whidbey Park and Recreation District, the accumulated donations of time and money invested in the continued development of the community park by a large number of volunteer professionals, civic organizations, businesses, and others contributed in a large way to the voters’ approval of the levy.  A letter to the Editor inviting voter approval was written and signed by Tim Scriven and Steve Shapiro.  The letter (see Appendix) stated the Parks and Recreation District Commissioners commitment to a dimensional funding plan as had been supported by the community from the beginning when the forty-three acre site was being purchased and then during its development.


Chain saw artist Pat McVay, who had already contributed a great deal to the South Whidbey Community Center project, suggested joining with other wood carvers in carving from a single log a bear family playing together. Several logs were donated by Waterman Mill, hauled from the forest by Jim Scriven and loaded onto Bradley Construction’s trailer by Danny Waterman for delivery to Pat, who with the other carvers completed the Bear Family sculpture and donated it to the park.



Jim Scriven and Clint Scriven yarding cedar logs for the carving.

Danny Waterman moving Cedar logs for pick up by Bradley Construction.

Danny Waterman moving Cedar logs for pick up by Bradley Construction.


Cedar logs on Bradley’s low-boy on route to Pat McVay’s house for the bear family carving.

Bear family created by Pat McVay.

Bear family created by Pat McVay.


Fall 1988

Arthur and Dora Gabelein donated $50 to purchase a gate which was placed at the entrance of the community center property to keep people from dumping garbage on the site and from driving cars on the athletic fields. The gate was erected by Tim Scriven and Chuck Hosmer. Greg’s Rent a Tool donated the use of a post-hole driller and a lock for the gate.

Many of the local businesses gave money to the ongoing projects over the years, but the one who gave every time was Vic Hansen, owner of Hansen’s Building Supply.